Remember the Grab Bag!

Grab Bag

Don’t forget about the grab bag too! Everyone who is 18+ can participate in the grab bag swap. You should bring a few different items to put in it. One of the items needs to be a $15 – $20 item wrapped in Christmas paper. This is the only item you should wrap in Christmas paper and we’ll all open them at the end.

Any of the other items you bring to put in the bag don’t need to be wrapped. But, if you want to wrap another item you can wrap it in something other than Christmas paper (boxes, bags, newspaper, tissue paper, anything but Christmas wrapping paper). This can be useful for a few reasons: For one, it can help protect more delicate items like glass or ceramic, or food items. For these items, you can write “open now.” Or, for some items you may choose to create a ‘mystery gift’ by writing something like “Not a Wrapped gift, but Don’t open yet” on them.

Want ideas for the grab bag? Check out:

Grab items under $10
Wrapped Grab Bag Gift Ideas.

Get creative. Have fun.

Merry Christmas

Elf with bag