How to Crush it at Secret Santa in 2024

The Basics

Here’s a review. Of course it’s always the thought that counts, but remember this is really the only gift from the family that your Secret Pal will get on Christmas day, so make it a good one. There is a minimum amount, so please keep your thoughts at least in the $35 range. 

The Lingo

You’re the Secret Santa (giving secretly to someone)

The person you’re giving to is your Secret Pal

The Dos

  • As a Secret Santa
    • Participate – Enjoying the party is so much more fun than being Mr. Scrooge.
    • Be unique and creative – Money and gift cards are great, but thoughtful or creative gifts are even better!
    • Know your Secret Pal – Will they think a joke or prank gift is funny? Would they appreciate a homemade or craft gift more than a store bought one? Is a food item a good idea or are they dieting, have allergies, or sensitivities?
    • We’re picking early this year, so have some conversations with your Secret Pal and get some ideas.
    • Write down who you have for a Secret Pal and don’t lose it.
  • As a Secret Pal
    • Participate – Enjoying the party is so much more fun than being Mr. Scrooge.
    • Fill out the wish list on the form. Paste in a few links to to things you’d like

The Don’ts

  • Don’t tell anyone who you have – It’s called Secret Santa for a reason!
  • Don’t go way over budget – How upset would you be if Suzy spent $25 on your gift when you spent $50 on Chad’’s gift?
  • Don’t go under budget – vice versa
  • Show poor character – Even if you don’t like the gift, you should pretend it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

A Fun Tip:

You don’t have to, but it can be fun to send your Secret Pal little things throughout the year to keep them guessing. It doesn’t need to be anything big, just a card, a little joke gift, or a Christmas ornament. You don’t even need to spend any money. Make them a drawing, a poem, or send them a joke in the mail. You don’t have to do this and it’s not a contest, so: No pressure.

Have a Blast!

The whole point of playing Secret Santa is to have fun! No matter how many times you tell people the rules, there will always be one person who didn’t get the memo. It’s never going to be perfect, but you can still have a great time and enjoy doing something with the family.

Christmas revolves around the tradition of giving. So, relax, enjoy, and have fun!

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